This project focuses on the composition and treatment of digital images to create visual narratives. Smart People creates a visual representation of the Ted Talk: Spot, the robot dog.

Smart People magazine layout

The Process

For Smart People I was to pick a Ted Talk of my choice and create a visual representation/metaphor of it with Photoshop. I then took that image to create a featured article in a magazine based on the sript and feel of the Ted Talk.

Project Goals:

  • Increase familiarity with the Photoshop user interface
  • Develop techniques of using controlled lighting in photography
  • Understand visual metaphors, and how they can be used to add rhetoric to our designs
  • Understand the ideation process for creating digital images
  • Learn the difference between a photograph and a digital image


I started by sketching what I thought would be a good representation of a robotic dog, without being too specific. I used the relation of a dog bone to a dog and made it have a purpose. The purpose in this case, is that's how the new robotic dog would charge possibly. Hopefully the image alone could imply a robotic companion.

Sketch of a robotic hand
Sketch of a fist holding a batter mixed with a dog bone